jueves, 6 de junio de 2019

6/6/2019 Week 7: Culture and Psychology

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In my home culture is normal for all girls to be in shape and having good figures and that is one of the things which frustrate me because I'm not the type of girl. We have the stereotypes that Latinas are very beautiful and we are!! But in my opinion, we all are in different ways. Sometimes I judge myself for to no being "that girl" because for me beauty is the soul but it's hard to live in a place where you have to have a good image all the time.

Based on my experience I decided to change my mind and start to love me just the way I am. But it was not easy! I have my cousin Miriam who was very frustrated with her image too. I always talked with her about what beauty means but I wasn't applying that in my own life. I did a change in my mind and start to love my imperfections! Life is too much better since that day!

I think we, as a society need to be one big family and love each other! I know this problem does not happen only in my culture, it does in many and affects self-esteem. Also, this problem is one of the principal causes of bullying in school. 

During this path here in BYU-I learning about teaching, I find myself more confident about how to manage a class especially a cultural class. We can use our own experiences and adapt them into our classroom. In my case, I will know how to manage the situation when someone has low self-esteem becuase the "stereotypes" marked. 

Into a classroom, we all are ONE BIG FAMILY, like I said before we have to help each other and to fight with the anxiety caused because of the cultural changes. 

Culture and Psychology are two big topics that we teachers have to be prepared to manage.
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